Not a bug

Muscle groups tool crashing umotion when selected

Jourdan Hamilton 3 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago 4

The muscle groups tool set does not appear when working with a character but appears on the directional light source. when interacting with the tool it crashes umotion forcing a this only happens on the new version of unity 2021.2.2f1.

Update the sliders work but cannot be seen.

Image 961

Image 962

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:


Not a bug

thank you very much for your bug report. I really appreciate your time.

Unfortunately this is a Unity bug that was already reported during the 2021.2 beta but wasn't fixed yet. Please disable the tool assistant for now or downgrade to Unity 2021.1. I'm sorry.

Best regards,

Not a bug

thank you very much for your bug report. I really appreciate your time.

Unfortunately this is a Unity bug that was already reported during the 2021.2 beta but wasn't fixed yet. Please disable the tool assistant for now or downgrade to Unity 2021.1. I'm sorry.

Best regards,

Hi all, 

Thank you, Peter, for the answer. It seems I have the save issue, it just won't be showing under Ubuntu 20.04 and the same Unity version. I'm going to check the 2021.1 version now.

Update: it works on 2021.1, thanks



Hi Den,

thanks for letting me know that this issue is also present on Linux. Unity is already aware of this problem and hopefully is shipping a solution soon.

Best regards,

Update: Please note that in Unity 2021.2.3f1 this bug is apparently fixed. Please update your Unity versions.

Best regards,