Trick to modify posture
Hi. I have an "idle crouch" animation and the camera in my game gives me the right position when crouching.
I also have a "crouch walk forward" animation but the posture is a bit higher than the idle one, so the camera goes up.
I don't want to modify the height of the camera of course. I need to modify the posture of the "crouch walk forward" animation to have the same height as the "idle crouch" animation.
I tried to copy and paste the hips position in all of the frames but then the feet goes under the ground. But I can't really just modify the position of the feet to touch the ground because in some frames the need to be in the air, however I don't know in which frames they need to go in the air because when I change the hips position it goes under the ground.
Is there an easier trick to modify the posture for the purpose I want? I'm using uMotion pro 1.26. Unity 2020.3.5.

thank you very much for your support request.
With the help of IK Pinning you can keep the feet at their current floor position while adjusting the hips height:
- First convert the animation from FK to IK by clicking on "Edit --> Convert FK to IK". Start by only converting the legs to IK to not sacrifice the arm animation quality.
- Move the frame cursor to the first frame.
- Select the IK handles of the feet and make sure that "IK Pinned" is checked and that the "FK/IK Blend" channel is set to 1 (= IK).
- If you now modify the hips, the feet stay in place.
- You can use an additive animation layer to offset the hips across the whole animation.
A lot of this stuff is covered in this video tutorial:
Here is the dedicated IK Pinning tutorial:
Please also note that the root motion settings of the exported animation clip have great impact on how your animation is offset:
It might make sense that you enable the "Bake Into Pose" setting of the "Root Transform Position (Y)". Btw. you can also use the offset field here to offset your animation (but this also moves the feet).
Best regards,

Wow, I did it in 1 minute. Yesterday I was about to modify manually frame by frame...
Thank you a lot!

I'm happy to hear that this workflow works for you.
Don't hesitate to contact me in case you have any other questions.
Best regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
thank you very much for your support request.
With the help of IK Pinning you can keep the feet at their current floor position while adjusting the hips height:
A lot of this stuff is covered in this video tutorial:
Here is the dedicated IK Pinning tutorial:
Please also note that the root motion settings of the exported animation clip have great impact on how your animation is offset:
It might make sense that you enable the "Bake Into Pose" setting of the "Root Transform Position (Y)". Btw. you can also use the offset field here to offset your animation (but this also moves the feet).
Best regards,