Not a bug

Tool Assistant not visible (Unity 2021.2)

Stephen Woolcock 3 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago 7

I've installed UMotion into a new, relatively clean project in Unity 2021.2.0b8. Everything is working great, with the exception of the Tool Assisnt not being visible in the scene view. Toggling it on and off via the display settings group does nothing. There are no errors or warnings. It is just not visible - I suspect it is possibly being drawn off-screen? Is there a way to manually modify its position in a settings file or asset?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:
Satisfaction mark by Stephen Woolcock 3 years ago
Working on fix

Hi Stephen,

thank you very much for your bug report.

I'm able to reproduce this issue and am working on a fix.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

So it looks like you found the area to work this. Great. I was concerned Unity might be trying to exclude competition with its animation process.

Hi Stephen,
I wanted to give you a quick update regarding this issue.

It's not 100% clear to me if this is a Unity bug or if they have silently deprecated the feature that I'm using to render the tool assistant. I've thus reached out to Unity for clarification. In other words, fixing this issue is going to take some time.

Thanks for your patience.

Best regards,

No problem, thank you for the update. Here's hoping it won't be too much effort on your part if they have removed something.

Not a bug

Hi Stephen,

thanks for your patience. Unity confirmed that this is a bug on their end:

Should be fixed in one of the next Unity patch release. Thanks for reporting this.

Best regards,

Thanks for the update. That's both good and bad news I guess - I've been unable to update from 0b8 due to *another* bug on Unity's end related to some assembly versioning issues. Hopefully they'll resolve all this soon. Thank you for looking into the issue!

Update: Please note that in Unity 2021.2.3f1 this bug is apparently fixed. Please update your Unity versions.

Best regards,